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Beginning Reading


“Mike Slips on the Ice”

By: Keneisha Garrett


Rationale: This lesson teaches children about the long vowel correspondence i_e=/I/. In order to be able to read, children must learn to recognize the spellings that map word pronunciations. In this lesson children will learn to recognize, spell, and read words containing the spelling i_e. They will learn a meaningful representation (pretending to slip on ice like Mike), they will spell and read words containing this spelling in a Letterbox lesson, and read a decodable book that focuses on the correspondence i_e=/I/.


Materials: Graphic image of a boy slipping on ice; cover-up critter; whiteboard or smart board; Elkonin boxes for modeling and individual Elkonin boxes for each student; letter manipulatives for each child and magnetic or smart board letters for teacher: h, i, d, e, p, l, t, r, b, f, c, m, s, v, ; list of spelling words on poster or whiteboard to read : hide, pile, tribe, life, crime, stripe, dive, tire ; decodable text: Di and Mice, and an assessment worksheet.



  •  In order to become expert readers we need to learn the code that tells us how to pronounce words. We have already learned to read short vowel words with i, like bit, kick, and pin. Today, we are going to learn about Long I and the silent e signal that is used to make I say its name /I/. When I say /I/ I think of a funny little boy named Mike slipping on ice. (Show image)   

  • Say: Before we learn about the spelling of /I/, we need to listen for it in some words. When I listen for /I/ in words, I hear i say its name /I/ and I notice my lower jaw drops while my tongue stays in the same place. (Make vocal gesture for /I/.) I will show you first: pile. I heard i say its name and I felt my lower jaw drop and my tongue stay in the same place. (Demonstrate the dropping of the jaw). There is a long I in pile. Now I am going to see if it is in cup. Hmm, I didn’t hear /I/ say, “Yikes! The Ice.” If you did not hear /I/ say, “That’s not it.” Is it in kite, bend, cute, book, tribe, peel? (Have children demonstrate pretending to slip on ice.)

  • Say: Now let’s look at the spelling of /I/ that we’ll learn today. One way to spell /I/ is with the letter i and a signal e at the end of the word to tell me to say I’s name. (Write i_e on the board.) This blank line here means there is a consonant after i, and at the end of the word there is a little silent e signal. What if I want to spell the word strike? “If I strike the puppy hard, he will start crying.” Strike means to hit the pet in this sentence. To spell Strike in letterboxes, first I need to know how many phonemes I have in the word so I stretch it out and count: /s/t/r/i/k/. I need 5 boxes. I heard that /I/ just before the /k/ so I am going to put i in the 4th box and the silent e signal outside the last box. The word starts with /s/, that’s easy; I need an s. Now it gets a little tricky so I am going to say it slowly, s/t/r/i/k. I think I heard /t/ so I’ll put a t right after the s. One more before the /I/, hmm…/s/t/r/i/k/, I think I heard growling /r/ so I need an r. I have one empty box now. (Point to the letters in boxes when stretching out the word: /s/t/r/i/k.) The missing one is /k/=k.

  • Say: Now I am going to have you spell some words in letterboxes. You will start out easy with three boxes for pile. Pile is a big stack of something. “Mike has a pile of dirty socks.” What should go in the first box? (Respond to children’s answers). What goes in the second box? What goes in the third box? What about silent e? Did you all remember to put it outside the box? I will check your spelling as I walk around the room. (Observe progress). You will need four letterboxes for this next word. Listen for the beginning sound that goes in the first box. Then listen for /I/ and don’t forget to put the signal silent e at the end, outside the boxes. Here’s the word: tribe, The Native American belongs to a tribe; tribe. (Allow children to spell words).Time to check your work. Watch how I spell it in my letterboxes on the board: t-r-i-b-e and see if you’ve spelled it the same way. Try another with four boxes: crime; The man committed a crime. (Have a volunteer spell it in the letterbox on the front board for children to check their work. Repeat this step for each new word.) Next word. Listen to see if this word has /I/ in it before you spell it: trip; be careful when you climb on the rock. Did you need a silent e? Why not? Right, because we don’t hear i say its name. We spell it with our short vowel i. (volunteer spells it on the front board.)  Now let’s try five phonemes: stripe; the stripe was yellow on the car. Remember to stretch it out to get this tough word.  

  • Say: Now I am going to let you read the words you’ve spelled, but first I’ll show you how I would read a tough word. (Display poster with stripe on the top and model reading the word.) First, I see there’s a silent e on the end; that’s my signal that the vowel will say its name. There’s the vowel i. It must say /I/. I’m going to use a cover-up to get to the first part. (Uncover and blend sequentially before the vowel, then blend with the vowel.) /s/t/=/st/=/st/+/r/r=/str/. Now I’m going to blend that with /I/=/strI/. Now all I need is the end, /p/=/strIp/. Stripe; that’s it. Now it’s your turn, everyone together. (Have children read words in unison. Afterwards, call on individuals to read one word on the list until everyone has had a turn.)

  • Say: You’ve done a great job reading words with our new spelling for /I/:i_e. Now we are going to read a book called Di and the Mouse. This is a story about a girl named Di who is enjoying a lovely day riding her bike. Di rides until she gets hungry. She decides to have lunch by the vines. However, she hears something in the vines. It looks like someone is going to join her for lunch. We’ll have to pair up and read to find out who comes to join her. (Children pair up and take turns reading alternate pages each while the teacher walks around the room monitoring progress. After individual paired reading, the class rereads Di and the Mice aloud together, and stops between page turns to discuss the plot.)

  • Say: That was a great story. Who came to join Di for lunch? The mice, correct. Before we finish up with our lesson about one way to spell /I/=i_e. I want to see how well guys can complete the crossword puzzle on this worksheet. Your job is to fill in the missing letters and complete the crossword puzzle. Reread your answers to make sure they make sense.



Sheila Cushman, , Carson, CA, Educational Insights. c1990, p9

My design is original. It was written around one of my lesson plans for Dean Road Elementary.

Assessment Worksheet:


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